Meet Eleni: Interning with Earthen Lamp
Today the spotlight is on our departing intern, Eleni Servos. She is an undergraduate Media and Creative Industries student from the University of Warwick, who recently spent several months working within our marketing and development team. The internship was part of her ongoing studies. We recently had a chat with Eleni about her experience…
Hi Eleni! Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hello, I am Eleni, a final year Media and Creative Industries student at the University of Warwick. I am a firm believer in the value of creative talent within business. In my spare time I take part in societies such as TEDxWarwick where I fulfil my creative passions. I was delighted to work with Earthen Lamp as a Marketing and Development Intern!
What attracted you to this internship?
This opportunity was extremely exciting to me, particularly as I am looking to work in the Marketing sector in the future and I believed that this role would be extremely relevant to my desired career path.
What projects were you involved in during your time with us?
During my time at Earthen Lamp I have been involved in various marketing and development projects, focusing on developing the new training service. For my first project, I conducted a competitor analysis exploring various services the sector has on offer. After this, I looked at funding strategies and finally came up with marketing recommendations building on my previous research.
What have you learned in your time with us?
I have realised how many opportunities are out there that I was not aware of before. This internship really encouraged me to become more proactive and I realised that there are many opportunities that I could take advantage of, many available for free. I had never conducted research on funding before so it was really interesting to find local funding bodies within the cultural sector.
What did you enjoy most about being part of the Earthen Lamp team?
I am really grateful that I was able to join various team calls, for example marketing team update calls and board meetings, which helped me to observe how all the different members of the team come together and operate. Most of all though, I really valued the warm environment and how welcoming the team has been to me.
“This opportunity allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and arts sector and marketing’s place within it, whilst working in a diverse team of talented individuals”
Now that your internship has finished, what are your plans and hopes for the future?
My plans for the future are to secure a job or graduate scheme in marketing for around 1-2 years and then move on to complete a masters after. This internship has really helped me explore and understand which area of marketing I would like to pursue.
Why are you interested in working in the cultural sector?
My interest in working in the cultural sector originally stemmed from interest in my own multicultural background, realising its importance in my life and the opportunities it can offer. Additionally, during my travels, a yearn to learn about other cultures grew more and more. Other than this I love to give back to the community and I believe that working in the cultural sector can be extremely rewarding.
Tell us about your most memorable arts/cultural experience.
One of my most memorable cultural experiences was the street art I saw during a trip to Sardinia, Italy, where I visited a town named Orgosolo. The town was embellished in political murals created by bandits. It was truly remarkable walking through the Sardinian mountains immersed in such historical context!
Just for fun, what’s your special skill or superpower?
My special superpower would probably be my ability to draw – check it out on Instagram @eleniservosart!
Thank you Eleni for your fantastic contributions to Earthen Lamp – we wish you all the best for the future!
Here at Earthen Lamp we are always keen to encourage and nurture emerging talent. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in pursuing an internship with us, get in touch to find out more.