Centre for Cultural Value – We Need To Talk About Evaluation

On Wednesday 13 October, our Director Vishalakshi Roy will be part of the panel for The Centre For Cultural Value We Need To Talk About Evaluation online event.

The event will introduce the centre’s cultural evaluation principles, which have been co-created over the past year by those who do evaluation, those who use it, and whose work is evaluated. The principles are a sharing of ideas to inform how evaluation is carried out and used within the sector. They are very much the start of a conversation, and they will evolve in response to feedback over the next year. We enjoyed being part of this process and can’t wait to share more at this event.

Discover more and secure your place at the online event.

And lookout for the cultural evaluation principles which will be available following the event.

At Earthen Lamp we can advise on your future Evaluation strategies, devise training for you and your team or speak at your event. We would love to hear from you, drop us an email at ideas@earthenlamp.com